Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Master Bedroom

Our Master Bedroom is still a major work in progress.

I love the big space that we have but I hate that since we are renting I can not paint it at all.... makes me want to shed a few tears.

Of course since we can't paint I have to figure out fabulous ways to decorate without paint.

I have a bunch of ideas that I want to do in this space. 
I really want to use these two color palettes for the colors in the space.

I love the gold and bronze with the tan walls.
I think the soft blue/grays give a subtle pop of color that I am wanting.
I also think that the dark brown will pull a couple of the pieces of furniture from the room together.

We had a really bright Master bedroom for years. I wanted pink somewhere in my house, so of course it went into the Master. I really loved it but I have been drawn to the much softer neutral tones recently and really wanted to bring those colors into this space.
So out with the old and in with the new..
You can go here to see the Home Tour of our last house with the bright Master.

This is what our Master bedroom looks like right now.
I have taken out all of the bright colors and started to bring in softer, more neutral tones.
Here are all the before pictures of our space, I will follow up later this week with a post on my plans for the room, but for now you can enjoy all the glorious "before" pictures.

I need to get some new lamps in here. The one that Noah had has been relocated to the downstairs and mine will join it as soon as we have replacements.

We are in need of a head board. We sold our bed when we moved and now I need to get to work on making the new head board. Its on my "2015 to do list".

We want a tufted headboard and I have some art work to go above the bed once the headboard is in place.

Noah added some Christmas stuff to our bed to make it more festive... What a sweet guy,  I kind of am crazy about him.

This is my side of the bed and my Armoire. I am in the process of changing out the handles and can't wait till that's done.
I redid the barrel chair a few years ago. It was a really ugly brown and nasty 70's fabric. 
Ill have to find my before and after of that one.

Everything that was on top of the Armoire has been moved to other places in the house and the picture has been moved to our daughters room.

Noah side of the bed and his night stand... Oh his night stand. Its a bit of a mess ALWAYS and I ALWAYS ask him to take care of it.... lets just say that my plea falls on deaf ears.
Does he not know who he is married too? AHHH it causes me anxiety... okay moving on.

I have an old European Vanity that I bought in Alabama that I am refinishing and it will go over in this space. I am so excited. Its a beautiful dream come true and just needs a little TLC so that it can be restored to its original charm and fabulousness.

I am not sure if I want to finish this wall by adding more mirrors or not... I may want to do a bit of a collage of vintage things on there... still debating on that.

I redid Noah's dresser. 
I found the matching sets for $150 at Habitat for Humanity and fell in love with them.
They were a nasty 70's style brown so I redid them and now I need to finish sanding them and making them all "chippy" and distressed.

I love the hardware and I can't wait to get more of it to finish the furniture.
I redid this Armoire and Noah's dresser.

Ive got two frames filled, now I need to get the pictures of Noah and me that we had done this summer to add to the empty frame.

This piece is a beauty.
Its a gentleman's cabinet and I can't wait to finish fixing it up. 
Ill do a post about it later, for now it hold my jewelry in all its little drawers down on the bottom.

I love this corner, not much to do over here besides put a picture in the frame.

(see the little tiny fingers peeking out? I had a helper taking pictures.)

Stay tuned for the pictures of all of the ideas I have for this room.

Our Master bedroom always gets put on the back burner so I am super excited to finally be doing something with this space. Our Master should be our retreat and because its on the same level as the living space of our house it really has become that, now its time to decorate it as such.

Friday, January 02, 2015

Christmas decor Home tour

I LOVE decorating for Christmas. 
My goal is to have my house feeling like you stepped into Santa's house.
I love the vintage feel of Christmas and the red and green rustic colors.
Over the years I have tried to eliminate and add in things that stick close to that feel. 
I still have a long way to go but I am enjoying my pursuit to get the perfect Christmas feel in our home.
It leave my decor up well into January because I just want to keep the feeling for as long as I can.

I want to give you a tour of the upstairs of our house all decorated for Christmas.

I will let the pictures do most of the talking.

My husband got me a piece of this nativity every year until it was complete... or at least as complete as I wanted it. 

I love having such a fun area to sit and do my work.

(ignore the cord by the cabinet, it decided that it did not want to hide anymore.)

I have a slight obsession with pillows and of course Christmas ones are no exception.
My husband makes fun of me all the time and says that I need some help with my "problem", I have no idea what he is talking about.

Of course football is on at our house 24/7 during the Fall/Winter time.
Roll tide! 

Our upstairs is just one giant space. I love it, so far, hopefully that love keeps up.
There are windows all around except for in the living area itself, so it tends to be a bit darker in there, and there are no lights in the back area so we have lots of lamps.

I love to read and I love books. 
I don't love the Kindle/digital kind.
I love to hold books in my hand and turn the pages. 
I love the look of well loved books and I love to see my bookshelf full of books.
I need to get another shelf, this one is filling up quickly, in fact my sweet husband finished filling it up this holiday with all the books he bought me.

The kids have a tree in the dining area.

The table was covered in Lego goodness when I took the rest of the pictures, so this table picture is taken with my phone, at night, so forgive the dark quality.

I love to decorate the buffet in the dining room. Its such a fun piece to decorate.

I also have an obsession with flower arrangements. I love to change out my different bases for different holiday arrangements. Maybe I was a florist in another life.... hahahaha probably not.

My favorite part about having a big open space upstairs is that I can see the tree from every room in the upstairs.

I am really not ready to take down the tree.

I love this green blanket from Target.. I plan on putting it in our family room after the holiday decor is put away. (you can read about my plans for that room here)

I also love garland.
I love the little peeks of red from the Holly Berries sticking out.

My Christmas village is something I treasure.
My grandma had one and I loved to look at it every year when I visited her.
When she passed away years ago I was so heart broken because she was one of my best friends. I was lucky enough to have inherited her Christmas village that I have now mixed in with the pieces that I have. I love to tell the kids all about her every year when we look at the village.

I also took a tour one evening with my phone.
A friend and I did a "cool kids Christmas club" where we shared out decor with each other daily.

Go here to see the post about our Christmas Tree and all the wonderful memories it holds.

I really do love this time of year.
Eventually the decor will come down and I will dream of it all till next year.
I hope you all had a wonderfully joyous Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our home to yours.